Thursday, October 16, 2014

A "Normal" Week

It just so happened that we couldn't meet this Tuesday so that means I was not able to post on my blog until today! I was finally crazy enough to take my camera on the walk to work and take some photos of the office.  
And this is the front of the building the office is in! (Don't mind the rain. Everyday occurrence.)
 This is the back side where I walk in every day.
 Here is a picture of the kitchen from the doorway (sorry, you can basically only see cabinets) but, yeah, this is where I make hot chocolate and tea to sip on and keep me awake during the day! I am one of those persons who sleeps whenever possible, so Garrett, Breanna, and Lizzy have quite a few pictures of me sleeping in various houses. 
 This is the office I spend my time in during the quiet days at work.  Nice comfy chair and a big desk :) though the chair does squeak when I move, so half of the time I'm focused on trying not to move haha
 Here is the lounge area where I can chill when I feel like I'm making too much noise with the chair.

I actually do not have much to say about work yet.  I've been to a couple meetings, which I thoroughly enjoyed, but other than that it has been very quiet with a lot of people out of the office.  So I have been learning about CLP and non government organizations (NGOs) and grassroot movements and different awesome people such as Amilcar Cabral, and Steve Biko, and the list goes on! 
 So back at home things get interesting... One night I woke up at about midnight and heard runner water, so I got up to investigate and I find this going on in the living room!  Justin was testing out and tweaking his new pond for some fish, in the lounge!  (It is now outside) 
Also, on the Monday when we made the zwieback and cookies below, Justin appeared with boxes of silkworms and thoroughly freaked Breanna out.
On Mondays Breanna, Lizzy, and I have work off (for some reason Garrett has Wednesdays off) so we did some baking.  We made some cookies but we kinda poured a little bit too much brown sugar about half a cup... and, yeah, they didn't turn out so well. They were royally stuck to the pan. Butttt!  We (mainly Lizzy...she's brilliant) made some zwieback rolls and they were amazing.  For some reason I only took a picture of our failure, haha.

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