So we went to a game park just outside of Pietermaritzburg! I'm not sure exactly what kind of (dear?) this is, but the males have very big horns.
These trees are really cool. They are all connected to each other so when one is being eaten, it's leaves, along with the other tree's leaves, become bitter so the animal has to quickly move from tree to tree. (something along those lines)
And again, I'm actually not sure what kind of animals these are...
Ostrich with babies =D
I caught a picture of a Giraffe eating dinner :)
Soo this Ostrich was sitting on eggs right next to the road/path. Apparently they lay loads of eggs.
Hippos! It was really hard to get a picture of them..
So the guide stopped right by this sign and we all got out and had some snacks. (It was by the hippos, which are very dangerous).
2 Rhinos =D
In around May some poachers came and stole two of the Rhino's horns. This (left) one managed to survive so now it is hornless!
We feasted =D
This little big guy greeted us in our cottage! We made use of the ashtray to catch him and put him outside.
So this is the amazing cottage.
and the ceiling. The ceiling was awesome! I had to take a picture of it haha.
It would be awesome to see all these beautiful animals and places! I really enjoy the pictures!